Tuesday, 12 January 2010

... and Poppy too

Today, I wanted to show you a picture of my sweet little lady in her new mama-made poncho.  Took so long because I got stuck when the pattern didn't appear to match the picture, and so held onto finishing it until my mama could help out during our English christmas.  Then I had to buy the buttons.  All in all its been a good while, and I'm excited it's finally finished.  But would she keep it on?  Sadly, not.  I'm hoping she might agree to love it tomorrow, but for now, I'll have to be satisfied with showing you a picture of Poppy, Boo's waldorf doll that I made last year, in her new winter outfit.

Poppywinterclothes 016 

I went for it and just knitted up the jumper in 4 rectangles, trying to get the right measurements for Poppy.  So I'm pretty chuffed it fits so well, and I think I'm pretty pleased as it's the first thing I've ever made without using a pattern.  I'm glad I made the neck so wide because she has a big old head!

I'm currently being inspired by a book called Knit2together by Tracey Ullman and Mel Clark. Yes, that Tracey Ullmann, known to us Brits for her early days on the beeb in 'Four of a Kind' (think that's the right title...) before she disappeared off our screens to the states.  She's funny and she's a big knitter.  I'm inspired mostly because she relates her tale of never being able to get beyond a scarf for many years, until she decided to really 'take on' knitting (she did get lessons) and became, as she puts it, an 'intrepid' knitter.  I am beyond the scarf stage, but I have definitely had 'the fear' of 'difficult patterns' and have been holding myself back.  Well, Tracey has encouraged me to let go of that fear, go for it and have fun. So I've just used circular and double pointed needles for the first time (easy peasy lemon squeezy)(not showing the results as its a present.. shhh!) and I'm looking for a fancy pattern to knit next. 


  1. Tracy Ulman?? doing Knitting?? bizzaro! xx

  2. I know! I kid you not. I'll have to post a pic from the book.
