Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Henna Haven

My friend Riffat and her family have just completed an exciting round-the-world trip, and we were lucky enough to host them in Vancouver, their last port of call before returning to the UK.  Riffat practises as a henna artist in the UK, and her work is known in henna circles throughout the world, so we were lucky enough to host a little 'henna party' when she met up with Tammi, aka  Henna Bee, a henna artist from Kamloops BC.  Cue lots of little cones, puffs of glitter and whiffs of lavender oil from the henna paste (apparently lavender is a safe oil to use during pregnancy, other essential oils not being recommended).


Boo has developed quite a fondness for pretty things and pink glittery stuff ( I really have tried not to encourage the pink thing, but there you go), so she was up for it, and sat patiently whilst getting her little henna lovelies from Riffat and Tammi.

Jonandriffatvisit 016


Many years ago, whilst as student, I regularly coloured my hair with 'extra red' henna powder, available from the Body Shop in the days when you took in your little bottles for refils and it wasn't because we were 'worth it'.  Then somehow I ended up using box dye, Body Shop went all swanky and didn't carry the powder, and my poor hair was all dried out.  So I was most excited at the prospect of having my hair hennaed by a pro, and yes, it does still feel like having a cow pat on your head, but I am most pleased with the results and proud that I haven't put chemicals on my noggin again, esp as I'm preggers.

Whaddya think?


Now, I'm not about to turn down the opportunity to put my feet up, so how blissful was it to sit and have henna applied in tiny swirls and blobs to my plates of meat?  Very, I can assure you.



IMG_8217 Henna by Henna Bee , feet blogger's own.

Henna by Riffat


Henna by  Riffat


I can attest that applying henna is not a cinch!  Now, I can draw and can handle a paint brush, but my henna looks like I've got the DTs, so I am in awe of Riffat and Tammi's skills.

If you are interested in learning to apply henna and live in the UK, Riffat does training - information on her website.

Riffat was lined up to henna my pregnant belly when I was carrying Boo, but Boo decided to make her appearance 4weeks early so sadly I never had it done.  However, Henna Bee does bellies, so I'm hoping to get a shot at it this time around! 


There are now a whole load of prepared henna cones sitting in my house, so I've no excuse not to have a little practice, though I may spare Boo's skin from my wobbly lines for the time being!  

Henna by


  1. Amazing photos! What fantastic designs

  2. I should say, credit for most of the photos goes to Riffat and her gorgeous camera.

  3. Hi Cath, thank you for letting me host my little henna party at your home. I loved doing Beth's henna, she sat so sit for me.
    Your hair looks amazing and has made me realize that I need to ditch the bottle and apply natural henna instead.
    My henna training site is

  4. You are so welcome Riffat, it was such a treat for us.
    It feels really good to 'go natural' with my hair, you should definitely go for it.
